Are you a dog lover, owner, or influencer?

The BrilliantPad Partner Program is an affiliate program that promotes a sustainable, healthy lifestyle for dogs, and provides an opportunity for passive income to partners.

Are you a dog lover, owner, or influencer?

Welcome, Brilliant Partners

We are here to help mobilize dog parents, professionals, and enthusiasts who are passionate about improving the lives of pets and their families.

This is your page for finding all the resources you need to share your love of healthy and happy dogs with your friends and followers -- and start earning commissions today!

Share with current customers

We have two exciting ways for you to share BrilliantPad with new pet parents to help puppies make a smooth transition and enjoy lifelong health.


We make it easy to send BrilliantPad to new pet parents before their puppies arrive home. Send BrilliantPad.


Refer new pet parents to BrilliantPad and enjoy partner commissions. Send this link to puppy buyers to recommend they get all the benefits of BrilliantPad.

As an added thank you, we will give you $100 in credits or cash for meeting each of these thresholds.

Sell 10 units, earn an extra $100.

Sell 25 units, earn another $100.

Sell 50 units, yup, get an additional $100!

Share with your past customers

Dog owners are struggling with regular pads. Be a hero and recommend BrilliantPad. It's a terrific upgrade from potty pads.


Share the magic of BrilliantPad with previous puppy buyers. They will enjoy all the benefits of BrilliantPad, and you will earn commissions on everything they buy. Share this link.

Share with breeders & shelters

BrilliantPad Pro is designed specifically for demanding professional environments.


Recommend BrilliantPad Pro to breeders and shelters you know by sending them the shopping page for the Pro model designed specifically for those environments: Share link.


Refer other breeders and shelters to become BrilliantPartners too by sending them this link.
You'll also enjoy commissions on products that they buy as a result.* 

Share with dog lovers in your communities

Send your friends and followers to these pages on our site to encourage them to learn about and buy BrilliantPad -- and to become a BrilliantPartner too!


BrilliantPad home page:
Share link.

BrilliantPad Smart shopping page:
Share link.



Invite other dog lovers to become BrilliantBreeders too: Share link.

We're here to support our partners.

When you join the BrilliantPad Partner Program, you get access to a dedicated support team, along with additional resources and training material to set you up for success!

You'll also have your pick of the litter for marketing assets, such as:

  • Product photos
  • Email templates
  • Videos

Need something extra that will help you as a partner? Let us hear from you!

A reminder of our BrilliantPartner benefits

Our commission structure for referrals is designed to reward you for sharing your love of dogs -- and BrilliantPad!

More dogs,
more dollars.

You get these payouts as an affiliate when your referrals buy BrilliantPad and accessories.

Fetch extra cash.

You get these payouts as an affiliate when your referrals buy BrilliantPad and accessories.

Sell a BASIC,
get $10

Sell a SMART,
get $25

Sell a PRO,
get $50

Wraps and seals waste to keep home clean and smelling fresh.

Sell a BASIC,
get $10

Adds app with remote look-in, pad advance, & health features.

Sell a SMART,
get $25

Extra durability and strength for use in professional settings.

Sell a PRO,
get $50

And you'll earn 7% the sales price of all accessories.

And you'll earn 7% the sales price of all accessories.

Extra treats when you keep selling.

As an added thank you, we will give you $100 in credits or cash for meeting each of these thresholds – or choose to send a BrilliantPad Basic to a customer or friend for free.

Sell 10 units, earn an extra $100.

Sell 25 units, earn another $100.

Sell 50 units, yup, get an additional $100!

*We are not a multilevel marketing company, so you will not receive commissions on products sold through referral by anyone else, even if you referred them to become a BrilliantPartner.

Questions? Connect with our breeder team.

Questions? Connect with our pro team.



Questions? Connect with our breeder team.

