April 03, 2020 2 min read

Over63.4 million households in America have dogs. That’s a lot of pups, each with their own individual needs, lifestyle, and potty patterns. Each of these 63,000,000 households needs to find the right solution for them and their dog. For many, that solution is potty pads. This, though, is where BrilliantPad can make things even easier, convenient, and fresh. 

Potty pads can be an easy, cheap way to ensure that your dog is taken care of when you’re not around. There are many situations in which pet parents rely on potty pads. For instance, if you: 

  • Live in an apartment or area in which there is little to no greenspace
  • Are physically hindered or disabled 
  • Work long hours or are away for longstretchesof time

Similarly, your dog could benefit from them if they:

  • Have to potty frequently 
  • Are prone to irregular potty patterns
  • Needs to go in the middle of the night 

These are all situations in which the traditional potty patterns of letting your dog out or taking them for a walk are unavailable. Cue BrilliantPad! 

“I think this is brilliant. My 15-year-old furbaby pees a lot more in his old age. And since I’m an older woman who has health issues. Going out every two hours or so is a lot for me. Especially with the Minnesota winters. I use those pee-pee pads like crazy.” - Ibanez P., Verified BrilliantPad Customer

In the instances described above, BrilliantPad allows you more flexibility because your dog is covered. They don’t have to suffer the discomfort of holding it in while you’re away; BrilliantPad is there for your dog when you want to be but can’t be.

It’s important to note that we do not recommend BrilliantPad to be a replacement for regular exercise or socialization for your dog. BrilliantPad is meant to be a cleaner, more convenient alternative to potty pads. 

For households that utilize potty pads, there’s nothing worse than cleaning up that kind of a mess. Some dogs miss the pad or oversaturate it. Puppies tend to tear them up, soiled or unsoiled. Some pet parents are unable to address this mess, yet still would benefit from having a dog. 

 “Brilliant Pad may literally be a lifesaver. It will allow me to have a dog again. I thought it was going to be impossible to ever have one again. My doctors want me to have a service dog - tiny though. Due to health, my fur baby needs to be an inside potty dog. All other potty pads will be too labor-intensive.” - Julie D., Verified BrilliantPad Customer

If you find yourself in one of the situations listed above or simply want to ease the stress that surrounds your dog’s potty patterns, consider BrilliantPad.