March 22, 2019 2 min read

Hooray, it’s National Puppy Day! Puppies are a lot of fun and bring endless amounts of joy to your home, but it takes patience, love and training to help them become their best behaved selves. That’s why we’ve put together a few tips on potty-training your new puppy to make things run a little smoother so you can get back to playtime.

  1. Start your training with lots of love and patience. Training a puppy is no easy task! It definitely takes time, hard work, and consideration. Make sure to use a strategy of positive reinforcement and remain calm at all times. Even if an accident occurs, simply take the puppy to the designated potty spot to link the action and the area. Try to avoid reprimanding the puppy for naughty behavior; it seldom works as puppies don’t correlate the why behind the reprimand.
  2. Get on a schedule. Just as you have your daily routine, you need to establish one for the puppy as well. Begin the day by taking the puppy outside as soon as they get up (do this when they gets up from a nap too!). Establishing a schedule is a key factor in potty training a puppy. Take them outside often – every 1-2 hours – and make sure they’re eating on schedule too. Avoid leaving food out throughout the day; create specific meal times and be sure to take the puppy outside as soon as they are finished eating. The faster the puppy picks up on this routine, the easier it will be to train them for other tasks.
  3. Set boundaries. The saying always talks about “the curious kitten” but puppies can get into just as much mischief. Therefore, set boundaries in your home, both physical and otherwise, restricting where puppy is allowed. Usually when a puppy has free reign of a house, they will designate its own potty area – typically a bedroom or out-of-the-way corner – and we definitely want to avoid that.  Most commonly, many pet parents use baby gates to separate restricted areas or discourage pets from being on furniture or in bedrooms. Whatever you decide, ensure that all members of your household know where puppy is and isn’t allowed so as not hinder the training.
  4. Try using a potty word when potty training your pooch. Just like your dog learns the word “treat” and begins to associate the word with the treat itself, by incorporating a potty word such as “potty,” “outside,” or “piddle” help your pup learn when and where they’re allowed to do their business. This is also a good little trick to have when training your dog to useBrilliantPad. Which brings us to…
  5. Introduce BrilliantPad. We’ve found that it’s best to introduce BrilliantPad to your dog in the puppy stage. Just as they’re learning everything else and already in learningmode, this is the best time to include BrilliantPad training, too. Follow these simple steps to help your dog become Brilliant by viewing ourtraining guide.

While potty training isn’t often considered a highlight of getting a new puppy, it’s an important responsibility of you as a pet parent. Keep things simple and relaxed an you’ll be a potty training pro in no time.