September 04, 2020 2 min read

So many people would benefit from having a dog, but not everyone has the time, green space, or capacity to take them outside as many conventional dog owners do for potty time. Thankfully, there are a variety of indoor potty solutions - likeBrilliantPad! - that you can explore so you too can enjoy having a dog! 


Extremely similar to how a cat uses a litter box, dogs can be trained to use litter as well. Unlike a cat, however, dogs do not have the natural instincts that cats do to 1) bury their waste or 2) clean their paws. This can lead to a large mess in the area around the litter box and an unsightly and unpleasant odor. Better keep a broom and dustpan on hand as well as plenty of disinfectant nearby!  


Some pet parents use an artificial or fresh grass patch to mimic the typical outdoor piddle place. This potentially offers the same appeal of a lawn but is indoors. This is an easy-to-teach potty solution due to the turf’s similarities but unlike real grass, you’re left to clean up both #1 and #2. This cleanup process is time-consuming and laborious; depending on the setup, you have to pick up #2 from the grass and either empty a drip tray underneath the grass or dispose of a potty pad. PLUS spraying or wiping down the grass itself either outside with a hose or in a bathtub which means extra household chores for you. 


How to Transition from Grass Patches to BrilliantPad



The simplest indoor solution is potty pads. These can be placed either directly on the floor of your home or in a tray in an attempt to keep the moisture contained. Depending on how often your dog goes, potty pads need to be changed about once a day, otherwise you run the risk of a very stinky home. Like the grass patch, if you use this potty solution, you’re creating a new daily chore if you’d like to keep a clean floor. 


How to Transition from Potty Pads to BrilliantPad


Good News! BrilliantPad combines a few of the most appealing and convenient factors into a completely automatic, self-cleaning dog potty! It uses ultra-absorbent pads that quickly pick-up liquids and dry out solids. When the machine advances, it replaces the soiled pad with a clean and fresh one. Leakage and odor? Not an issue with BrilliantPad! It wraps and seals all waste when it advances, locking away mess for a completely hands-free operation. 

“What a great invention! My Pugs are using it and it helps to keep the smell down as they were litter box trained. This saves the mess of litter tracking everywhere. Thank you!”

- ‎Lori