February 14, 2020 2 min read

Did you find yourself unwrapping a barking box for Christmas? If so, then CONGRATULATIONS! You are now the proud pet parent of a new puppy. Since Christmas was two months ago, you are likely in full puppy training mode. We hope this article finds your new pair of slippers unchewed and your freshly shampooed carpet from post-holiday entertaining unsoiled. Should that not be the case, accept our condolences and the following advice on why we believeBrilliantPad should be on your must-have list forhouse training your new puppy! Maybe even a belated Valentine's Day gift!?

Location! Location! Location! With BrilliantPad you can turn virtually anywhere in your living space into a puppy restroom. If you are keeping your puppy in a confined area during your training, BrilliantPad should fit within the area you designated to puppy.  Your puppy will have their very own potty within reach when nature calls – avoiding your carpet, sofa and other important areas of the home. 


  1. Less mess equals less stress.As a new pet parent of a puppy, you are or will experience certain mishaps. If you can avoid cleaning up potty messes, you are gifting yourself one less thing to worry about or clean up. BrilliantPad is the world’s first self-cleaning dog potty that handles #1 and #2. With its adjustable timer or manual advancing options, soiled pads are replaced without any handling of disgusting potty pads. Our roll material absorbs waste quickly and when advance, wraps, and seals waste leaving no odor behind. 
  2. We got your back (and tail)!Training a puppy is not easy. It requires patience, love, affection, and treats, plus a lot of encouragement. Keeping those best practices in mind along with having a structured training plan in place, will ensure you and your pup have the best potty training experience. Training a puppy three months or younger to use BrilliantPad generally takes no longer than training a puppy to use traditional potty pads. Some puppies will only take a few days to train but others may need several weeks just to get comfortable with the machine before you even start training. BrilliantPad has preparedtraining documents to guide you through your situation, whether you are training a puppy and home or are away during the day. Our team is always ready and willing to answer questions you encounter along the way!