November 01, 2019 4 min read

You’re scrolling through your newsfeed and you see a small dog doing his duty on a machine. The dog steps off the machine, the pad starts to move and tada! No more potty mess. You ask yourself,What is this and why should someone buy it?Both are great questions to ponder. BrilliantPad is a self-cleaning dog potty that handles #1 and #2. It wraps and seals waste to keep your home clean and odor-free.

If you have seen BrilliantPad on SharkTank or shared on social media, but are still wondering about some of the reasons to invest in the machine, we have 5 top reasons to share with you below.

  1. City or apartment dweller

    We believe it is very important to take your dog outside regularly to exercise and socialize. The reality is everyone’s situation is slightly different. If you live in a city with little available grass nearby or an apartment, your opportunity to quickly and easily let your pet out may be limited.

    There may be a moment when the need to go arises and your pup is ready to go outside. The trek down several floors and down three blocks may be too much of an adventure for the current situation. BrilliantPad is there for your pet in these times giving them the relief they require. Then you can enjoy the outdoors together for fun and not stress. 

    “I can’t imagine why anyone with a small or medium dog in a condo, townhouse, of limited access to a backyard, etc. would go without one of these. This has changed my relationship with my puppy. And he took to it straight away. My house smells clean again and I don’t have to clean up fake grass anymore.This is truly brilliant! Thank you!!!!” - Mialeeka Williams, BrilliantPad Customer

  2. Extreme weather conditions

    Our pets may dislike the cold as much as we do, or more, considering it is where they need to go when they need to go!

    We have two tiny pups (Mollie & Roo) and with our very long snowy winter approaching this would just be AMAZING!! Winter is always a struggle and we're unable to take our dogs outside with temps that can reach -50 at times. We have tried outside and all kinds of indoor potty solutions and although they do the job, there is always either a hard to clean the mess or smell that is never nice to have in your home. BrilliantPad looks like an absolutely wonderful product and would love to use this in our home!”

    This BrilliantPad follower recognizes the need to protect her pup’s paws during the harsh winter weather conditions. According to, exposure to winter’s dry, cold air and chilly rain, sleet, and snow can cause chapped paws and itchy, flaking skin. Ice-melting chemicals are also extremely dangerous if licked off of bare paws.You can take preventive measures to protect your pets by training them on BrilliantPad.

  3. No odor and no more mess

    What if you could say the same things as Laura, BrilliantPad Product Tester?"No more running to the store all the time for pads. No more mopping the floor when the pads leak through. No more picking up poop and running to the bathroom to dispose of it!"

    Well, you could if you purchase a BrilliantPad. BrilliantPad is the world’s first self-cleaning dog potty that handles #1 and #2 and wraps and seals waste for a clean, odor-free home. Messy and smelly is replaced with clean and fresh. Regular pads don’t just do that! Dogs go potty on BrilliantPad just like on a regular pad. The difference is BrilliantPad is hands-free for weeks at a time. The machine stores the waste without any smell. When the rolls are used up disposal is fast, easy and clean.

  4. Extended hours away from home

    Pet Parent, Christy Gilbert, lives in an apartment and has long workdays. “I could really use one. I live in an apartment and I work 10 hour days. My babies are left alone and he tears up the pad.”

    Christy’s example is just one of many, where life doesn’t always allow us to be where we want when we want. Some dogs go potty often and many people use pads so their dog won’t get uncomfortable holding it in when they are at work, stuck in traffic, asleep in the middle of the night.BrilliantPad stays home with your pet giving you peace of mind they will have a familiar place to relieve themselves when the need arises.

  5. Personal abilities

    Life deals each of us a different hand of cards. For some, we have full abilities to run, walk and play with our furry friends. Others have challenges to overcome such as injury, surgery or disability. In some cases, BrilliantPad may also be the answer to a dog with mobility issues. These situations should not take away from one’s desire to own a pet and provide them the love and care they deserve.

    BrilliantPad can be a part of a pet parent’s journey in being able to have a dog companion. This was the case for BrilliantPad customer, Julie Davis. “Brilliant Pad may literally be a lifesaver. It will allow me to have a dog again. I thought it was going to be impossible to ever have one again. My doctors want me to have a service dog - tiny though. Due to health, my fur baby needs to be an inside potty dog. All other potty pads will be too labor-intensive.”

To read more customer reviews on BrilliantPad you can visit this link. Share your personal BrilliantPad story on our Facebook Page.