June 13, 2017 1 min read

Indiegogo backers will be excited to start using BrilliantPad, but please remember that all dogs require some training to adopt new behavior. Training involves three general steps, and each step will take a few days to a few weeks. So let’s get you ready to train your dog to use BrilliantPad.

Keep these tips in mind when training your dog:

  • Have patience.  Some dogs take longer to train than others. If your dog doesn’t get a training step on the first try, give him some love and simply try again.
  • Praise your dog.  Shower your dog with love, affection and treats after successfully completing a training step. Reward good behavior to encourage more of that behavior.
  • Never punish your dog.  Dogs rarely understand what’s wrong if you yell and scream. They generally get scared and punishment may cause even more inappropriate eliminations.

For more in-depth tips and to review a training guide specific to your dog’s personality,  see our BrilliantPad Training Guide.